小学英语词汇-三年级上册 Unit 1


pen 钢笔. 名词 (n.)

pen 例句1:这是我的新钢笔。 This is my new pen. ▶️

例句2: 他用蓝色的钢笔写了一封信。 He wrote a letter with a blue pen. ▶️


pencil 铅笔. 名词 (n.)

pencil 例句1:我需要一支铅笔来画画。 I need a pencil to draw. ▶️

例句2: 请把那支铅笔递给我。 Please pass me that pencil. ▶️


pencil-case 铅笔盒. 名词 (n.)

pencil-case 例句1:我的铅笔盒里有很多彩色铅笔。 There are many colored pencils in my pencil-case. ▶️

例句2: 她把铅笔盒放在书包里。 She put the pencil-case in her schoolbag. ▶️


ruler 尺子. 名词 (n.)

ruler 例句1:我用尺子画了一条直线。 I drew a straight line with a ruler. ▶️

例句2: 这把尺子有30厘米长。 This ruler is 30 centimeters long. ▶️


eraser 橡皮. 名词 (n.)

eraser 例句1:我用橡皮擦掉了错误的答案。 I erased the wrong answer with an eraser. ▶️

例句2: 你能借我一个橡皮吗? Can you lend me an eraser? ▶️


crayon 蜡笔. 名词 (n.)

crayon 例句1:孩子们喜欢用蜡笔画画。 Children like to draw with crayons. ▶️

例句2: 这盒蜡笔有12种不同的颜色。 This box of crayons has 12 different colors. ▶️


book 书. 名词 (n.)

book 例句1:我正在读一本有趣的书。 I am reading an interesting book. ▶️

例句2: 请把这本书放回书架上。 Please put this book back on the bookshelf. ▶️


bag 书包. 名词 (n.)

bag 例句1:我的书包里装满了书。 My bag is full of books. ▶️

例句2: 他把午餐放在书包里。 He put his lunch in his bag. ▶️


sharpener 卷笔刀. 名词 (n.)

sharpener 例句1:我需要一个卷笔刀来削铅笔。 I need a sharpener to sharpen my pencil. ▶️

例句2: 这个卷笔刀很锋利。 This sharpener is very sharp. ▶️


school 学校. 名词 (n.)

school 例句1:我每天早上7点去学校。 I go to school at 7 o'clock every morning. ▶️

例句2: 我们的学校有一个大操场。 Our school has a big playground. ▶️